When: Sept. 23, rally @1 pm ET, then march to city-wide strike
Where: The Steps of Sidney Smith
What: University of Toronto Climate Strike
Why strike?
In September 2019, people in Toronto and across the world took to the streets to call for climate justice. The strike really put climate on the public and political agenda! For example, The City of Toronto declared a climate emergency soon after. With continued activism by FFFTO and others, the city also moved net-zero goals ahead by a decade (now two decades ahead of the University of Toronto’s net zero goals) and we’ve seen other commitments that will speed climate justice.
We would like to see this sort of engagement from the University of Toronto. It has been three years since the strike and the window for limiting global warming to 1.5C is closing quickly as heat melts tarmac and threatens lives. Island states and others who face wildfires, drought and rising seas continue to plead with institutions like ours to make and follow through on stronger climate pledges. The University of Toronto has the chance to be a leader on this issue but right now their plan is unambitious - lagging behind even the City of Toronto - as Steve Easterbrook explains in his fantastic op-ed. He states: “If we don’t lead the way, it’s hard to see who else can”.
Our demands
1. Emissions: A more bold climate policy than the Climate Positive Plan. At a minimum match and exceed the City of Toronto’s plan. Utilize its many resources and experts at the University of Toronto!
2. Investment:
- Federated colleges (Vic, St. Mike's, and Trinity) divest from fossil fuels.
3. Preparing students for the green future: Implementation of academic programs focused on careers in sustainability and a just transition - ensure programs are ready for a switch towards climate specific goals.
- Implement an advisory committee on how programs can be modified to equip students for a just transition.
- Facilitate discussions about new and innovative environmental solutions or movements, such the criminalizing ecocide, according rights to nature, and more.
- Incorporate and value Indigenous traditional knowledge in environmental discussions and amplify the voices of land defenders in climate justice conversations.
Join the movement and help us create a large impact - all experience and skills are valued!
Sign-up to volunteer here.
Email your prof to ask them to support the strike.
SAGE (Student Association for Geography and Environment)
Environmental Students' Union
UofT Engineering Society
Stop Ecocide Toronto
Staff & Faculty:
Naomi Morgenstern, Professor and Chair, Department of English
Dana Seitler, Professor and Director, English and Sexual Diversity Studies
Misha Teramura, Assistant Professor
Thom Dancer, ​Assc Professor Literature in English
Paul Downes, ​Professor, Department of English
Angie Fazekas, ​Assistant Professor, Women and Gender Studies Institute
Claire Battershill, ​Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information & Department of English
Libbie Mills, ​Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department for the Study of Religion
Students & Alumni:
Tony Liu
Charles Nichols
Madeleine Frechette
Rebecca Muscant
Joshua Thoppil
Nadine Consunji
Amalie Wilkinson
Amy Mann
Reilly Stricker
Leah McKinney
Jacqueline Loeliger
Aditi Changulani
Agrata Pradhan
Luke James
Jillian Escobar
Benny Rochwerg
Colton Toth
Arsalan Khan
Eugene Kim
Alexandra Corapi
Leo Jourdan
Talia Hoffmann
Kamilla, Jamal
Emily Yuan